Better Bean Coffee Company

Creative brief:
Get at-home coffee drinkers
Who frequently purchase the same brand of coffee
To consider trying Better Bean Coffee Company
By introducing them to BBCC’s award-winning products and ethical business approach.

There’s something powerful about a cup of a coffee. Whether it’s your lifeblood in the morning, the foundation of much-needed time with an old friend, or the nostalgic aroma of your parents’ favorite blend that transports you back to your childhood home, coffee will always hold a pivotal presence in our lives.

The approach I took when creating the BBCC designs and labels was one that was strictly focused on highlighting their unique products while ensuring their prospective customers still felt as though they knew what they could expect when deciding to purchase a bag of coffee. With a uniform “look” throughout all of the branding, I was able to create exciting copy and product descriptions with the stabilizing elements of a neutral color scheme and simple design.


Speeches + Scripts


Veterans with a Mission