A little bit about Lincoln

After a stint of acting in LA where he had the opportunity to star in a number of projects, including two episodics with the Lifetime Channel, Lincoln discovered the power his words could have when he moved from in front of the camera to behind a keyboard.

Hailing from a small beach town in northern California where his dreams were constantly said to be too big, Lincoln is committed using his writing, design work, and direction to encourage others to chase their dreams and live a life of purpose.

Lincoln is currently listed as an Official Medalist and Top Writer by the renowned screenplay organization, Coverfly, and was recently announced as a semi-finalist in ScreenCrafts’s international screenplay competition.

Despite taking an unconventional route toward writing, Lincoln’s near decade spent in the Air Force has proven to breathe a unique tone and perspective into his projects.

View Lincoln’s portfolio for writing + design samples, visit his resume for work + education, or contact him for business inquiries.

A little bit (more) about Lincoln

After moving his life from coast to coast, country to country, and continent to continent, Lincoln’s perspective on the world has been tested, expanded, and refined throughout many trips around the globe. It was during his travels that he was able to begin fully recognizing how special life can be when each day is viewed as a gift.

Lincoln’s appreciation and commitment to his community is the driving force behind his weekly volunteering with his church’s youth ministry and other organizations focused on homelessness and rehabilitation.

Lincoln most recently became an official team member of Mission 22, where he and other veterans alike can be seen at a wide variety of events across the nation spreading awareness for PTSD and suicide prevention. Lincoln’s time spent deployed to the Middle East under Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel motivates him each and every day to help others find their purpose when all hope seems lost.

In his free time, Lincoln can most likely be found going on hikes with his boxer-husky, Beans, exploring San Antonio or Austin with his family and friends, or traveling to different cities, states, and countries in search for the world’s greatest eggs Benedict — Current winner: Zazie’s Dungeness Benny; San Francisco, California.

Thank you for your time!

Chase dreams. Spread hope. Celebrate life.