Lost Angeles
Written by Lincoln Korver +
Frankie Zing (of FunkFlex)

(Verse 1)
I can tell my city’s lost their faith
No hope for resolution 
Restitution, revolution
No solutions, mostly hate

I know we could be our country’s breath and sight
And light and star at night yet we just fight
About everything
Black or white don’t mean wrong and right 

But we could delight in time if we are kind
With all our strength and might
I find that loving every second 
Changed my thoughts and fixed my mind 

My life has never been the same
Feels like I’m living every day 
I pray that God you pave the way 
To find the words I’m meant to say 

Please save the broken and the bruised
The chewed up, messed up, and abused 
And use my heart, my soul, my faith 
To serve this world that needs you too

(Verse 2)
When I moved to Los Angeles
I was seeking home
Retribution, evolution
Execution, but to my amusement 
It was mostly fake

All the real ones don’t need fame
And all these feelings don’t mean shame
And don’t degrade yourself based on 
Someone else’s story, look, or frame

Gratitude is one heaven of a weapon
To overcoming hate
You may be mixing with love
Now jealousy’s ablaze

Because you lost yourself
In that empty, bottomless, maze
So why let their path
Decide your fate? 

Now I ain’t perfect
But I know I’m worth it
For every person
To think the same
To the Lord my God
I pray
I pray

Please use my heart, my soul, my faith
To serve this world that needs you too 
I pray to God that you believe in you
The way I need you to
It’s a facade, blowin’ bomb
The city burns through and through
There was a time we were fine
But now the angels... 

(Verse 3)
I can tell this city’s lost its faith 
It’s sole purpose is saving face 
All the angels fell, now Hell is out
And so I’m busy saving grace

No trace of yesterday we can see
The time is now, you must believe 
In God, not me, I pray you seek
A new perspective, stop and breath

Atrocities of common thieves, and deities
Have coddled thee, for long enough
A fighter plea
Apollo's Creed

So stand with me, rich and the poor
These lost souls there will be no more
They say we can’t, I know we can
Together, we will win this war 

That black mirror’s no homily
It’s the track record of a dying breed
My eyes wide shut, staring into nothing
I glance back just so I can see

We’ve come so far, won’t give up now
A crowd is building, strong and proud
You and me, together, we will be

(Hook x2)

There was a time we were fine
But now the angels...

Live Again
Music + Lyrics by Lincoln Korver

(Verse 1)
I walk the same path even if it is day or night
Feels like the same song when I differ the words I write
I’m never in the same discussion but I speak the same sentences
Articulation confidence is something I’m not talking with

Have two jaded eyes and a limp that I’ve been walking with
Think I’m going straight but really I have just been circlin’ 
Fear engulfs my body and it’s terror that I’m lying in 
The only dream I ever had was to remain inspirin’

Perspire while I’m strugglin’ to save this life I’m fumblin’
Crumble when I start to think that I may never live again
Seemed like I was on top of things but now I’m feeling fraudulent
When I try to work up to a sprint all I can do is stumble in

Feel like I am moving but when I look down I start to see 
That I stay in the same place even when I try to move my feet
How can I build up the strength to form a step when I am weak
I don’t have much to give but hopefully I have enough in me

Tried to make decisions, but I never really had a clue
Took my life into my hands and now it’s forcing me to lose
Should have picked a better way is something that I always say
But I hope there’s someone in the sky to help me live another day

I’m tired of being along
Where everywhere I go feels so wrong
I want to be with the ones I love
Because I know…
I’m not home

(Verse 2)
If home is where the heart is where’s my heart if I’m not in my home
I guess that means the time has come for me to sit and feel alone
Have to figure out a couple things before I let it go
My life would be a dream for some but for me I feel like it’s wrong

Always been a sinner I define myself by imperfection
Blinded by my fear and crippled from my sinful nature
Fail to see myself as worthy so I spit in my reflection
Tension in my heart seems to form a wall around my own redemption

No exception, no refute, I need a way to make me new
I need to look into the mirror to see what else that I can do
Different life, different me, it’s time I walk around and see
In life there’s one way up and that is what I must believe

I really need to be a better man before my time is up
Used to live a lie but that is something that I won’t keep up
I will always have a life that I can hold my light up in
I know it’s time to make a change so right now I will give this up 

Once I turn around I’m never gonna go around again
It’s something that I’ve done before but I won’t live that life again
If I keep it up I know someday I’ll find my home because
I know there’s someone in the sky to help me live my life again

(Chorus x2)

Written by Lincoln Korver
(To the Beat of Ihaksi’s ‘Light’)

To say my worlds ironic would be a true understatement
We say wanna see change but we trade it to get a payment
We trade it to get a follower, trade it to get some clout
We trade and say ‘I’m woke,’
I’m broke
But we don’t talk about it

You never look into my eyes, cuz all we wanna see is I’s
iPhone, iMac, iPad, it’s like crack 
And I wish I woulda known before
No farm, or ranch, or Apple Store 
Will hard restart my life
Or sell my soul to me back

Because I can’t -
Focus intention to find direction to my dreams
I -
Give my attention to lies and all the the wrong things 
We -
Never remember to mention what our hearts believe
So -
Every dimension within our mind feel like deceit 

The struggle to monetize only demonizes
Depriving your passion will never satisfy ya 
We’ve got a lot to learn, if you could take a minute
To see that life is a gift
Let’s never waste it

Memorial Day
Written by Lincoln Korver
(Dedicated to the Fallen Men + Women of the U.S. Military)

For over 200 years, men and women have never feared to serve this American Nation.
They've seen death on a daily basis, lost the lives of their friends, but they never once lost their dedication.

Not for themselves, but for their neighbors, their loved ones, and enemies.
They went to war and saw things they never wanted to see to protect the innocent lives of people like you and me.

It's a seven letter word protected by five different titles of people who will never accept failure.
These heroes are given the name Soldier, Marine, Coast Guardsman, Airman, and Sailor.

They are husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, they are sons and they are daughters.
People who have paid the ultimate price to help keep Americans safer. 

They live by a set of core values, strict rules, and regulations. 
They carry integrity, service, honor, and courage everywhere without hesitation.

These men and women run toward danger while everybody flees; they risk their lives to save the lives of their counterparts in need.

Every action is deliberate and done for one specific reason: that you and I can sleep at night while they protect our freedom.

Let us not forget the sacrifice of those who stay responsible: the ones who make the dinner, bathe the kids, and make all of this possible.

Your generous actions aren't always seen, but that doesn't mean they don't count.
It's the people like you who support our troops which allows them to keep going out.

These heroes surrender everything, so if there’s one thing we should learn: That we will never forget the lives of the ones who didn’t return.


Original Screenplays


Speeches + Scripts